Kia & LEC: Movement That Inspires

Kia activated their LEC partnership with a UGC competition that put gamers on the ultimate stage.


Fans creativity and innovation was celebrated with the help of LEC legendary caster, Quickshot.


We were appointed by Kia as their strategic and creative esports agency for the LEC and their Spring and Summer Finals campaigns. Kia's recent brand relaunch meant they needed a fresh creative platform to allow LEC fans to authentically engage with their new identity.


Our HumanValues™ analysis revealed that the Kia audience have an ‘early adopter’ mindset meaning as much as they enjoy discovering new opportunities, they also value the bragging rights and social validation these bring them. We therefore needed to create opportunities for our audience to show off their innovative side and make social currency the reason for them to care.

the fearless solution

Leveraging this insight, our strategy was to shine a spotlight on the best moments of creativity from players within the League of Legends community. In the run up to the LEC Spring and Summer Finals, we launched #MovementThatInspires, a UGC competition which aimed to celebrate these highly creative moments of play. Using LEC Caster, Quickshot, we invited fans to submit their best moves via a hashtag and microsite for the chance to feature on both Kia’s hero spot in the LEC Spring Finals Broadcast and the LEC Summer Finals Broadcast. Our campaign was amplified by a team of influencers across Europe and the Middle East who posted their own gameplay, posted fan content and encouraged entries across both Twitter and Twitch.


The Results


overall campaign impressions



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