Secret Cinema: Brand identity brings cult underground to the masses

Helping the pioneers of immersive storytelling reshape their own story.


Secret Cinema wanted to grow the business commercially and expand to new markets. We were tasked with helping them on this journey by rethinking their entire brand identity and positioning. This involved carefully bringing together many sub-brands to appeal to both existing and new audiences.


Secret Cinema has a core audience of devoted fans that enjoy pushing the limits of experiences but the new audiences they sought to attract were less extreme and daring. Our HumanValues™ analysis helped us find the sweet spot between both audiences and revealed a point of commonality in their shared search for esteem that comes from the admiration of others.

the fearless solution

We developed a new brand identity centred around the audience who like to be seen as someone with their fingers on the pulse. This included new logo, design language, tone of voice and brand guidelines.


The Results

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